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BlackHoodie comes back to San Francisco!

I promised we’d be back! So here we roll again, BlackHoodie is coming back to San Francisco, this time filling the Google campuses in downtown with a crowd o...

BlackHoodie goes Hack In The Box!

Aaaaaand…. We Hack Again! BlackHoodie is teaming up with Hack In The Box \m/ Expect us, May 9th and 10th 2019 at the majestic Beurs van Berlage building in d...

Blackhoodie event at Troopers 2019

We are going to have a Blackhoodie event at Troopers 2019 on March 18th and 19th in Heidelberg. With a very exciting event last year, we have decided to roll...

Solving the Blackhoodie18 Challenge

defusing a binary bomb for fun and learning! This year’s Blackhoodie challenge was designed by N1aKan. As a first time Blackhoodie attendee and a complete n...

BlackHoodies @ Recon MTL!

Both: We are not good at expressing ourselves but sometimes we do want to convey things that are important to us. And during the past months, some marvellous...