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BlackHoodies @ Recon MTL!

Both: We are not good at expressing ourselves but sometimes we do want to convey things that are important to us. And during the past months, some marvellous...

BlackHoodie goes Bluehat!

We have our second Blackhoodie event happening in the USA!! This is a spinoff on the sidelines of the Bluehat conference at Microsoft. Just like other BlackH...

BlackHoodie event Bay Area 2018

Years ago I was listening to a talk at the CCC Congress in Hamburg, where a hackerette explained to us how she managed to exploit a Tamagotchi. I was starstr...

BlackHoodie #4 - rocking as hell

We roll again, Berlin November 16-18! 3 tracks of workshops, two introductory ones, oneĀ  advanced; one track is me yelling my usual litany, the other two are...